Monday, October 18, 2010

My morning checklist

I've been trying to use the checklist idea to streamline and improve my routine tasks. One of the key improvements has been creating a checklist for my morning to-dos. Starting after getting out of the shower (I would, but it wouldn't work in the shower very well!) and until I leave for work, I have a printed list that I refer to for every rote action, and it's been great so far (~2 months).

So weird, right? Yes, yes it is... but I think it has improved my life in tangible ways:
1) My mornings are much more efficient- I can get through a lot of the "running the house" stuff much more quickly than before, and get to work earlier.
2) I don't forget to do routine but infrequent stuff- e.g. change the cat's water/food bowls, water the plants, charge my phone, turn off the A/C.
3) I don't worry about "running late" to work - I know how long it will take me to be ready.

One of the strengths of this approach (which it shares with the GTD system) is that it frees up my mind to do other things besides think "what do I do next?" or worry about how many days it's been since I watered the plants. So my mind is free to wander in the morning - and I actually do think of important things in my semi-conscious state - to do's from last night, "cool" ideas, and the like.